2020 Accomplishments

Our 2020 Annual Report document is now available for download in PDF format.

Covid certainly increased some of our challenges this past year, but we met or exceeded most of our goals for 2020. We were extremely busy from the time that the snow melted in mid-April, until the very end of December! We successfully completed several commercial planting programs on Canada's west coast by early August, and we completed all of our environmental planting programs on the east coast in the fall. One huge accomplishment in 2020 was that we were able to broaden our species mixes to include fourteen different types of trees, including a number of deciduous hardwoods.

You can visit this folder to see extensive photos from some of our 2020 projects:

Replant.ca Environmental 2020 Photos

From the start, we set up a very busy schedule for the 2020 calendar year! Unfortunately, Covid then became a huge challenge for society, as everyone is well aware. We had originally planned to do environmental project work in several Canadian provinces, but it became quite apparent by late spring that this would no longer be possible in 2020. We therefore decided that the best plan would be to consolidate our activities and focus on projects that we could still access in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, close to our home office.

For the Timber River Demonstration Forest property (340 acres), we continued our work on the design of a full walking trail system. We expect to start the clearing work on that trail system in the near future.

For the Charles Clark Forest Reserve property, we managed to continue some manual trail clearing work in January of 2020, before the snow finally shut us down. During that period, we started and completed the East Trail, and got a small start on the West Loop Trail (the largest of the four trails on the property). In early September, we planted trees on a few dozen acres of the property. Our expectation was to spend all of November and December continuing with work on the trail network, but Covid restrictions became more strict, and we were no longer allowed to cross the border into Nova Scotia with our crew. That work, plus the installation of porta-potties and picnic tables, will resume in the fall of 2021.

Our Walker Road Managed Forest project remained accessible until December. We planted several thousand trees on that property in September. In November, after we realized that we had to pivot from our intended plans on the Charles Clark property, we decided instead to focus on clearing dead fir trees out of the Walker Road project. We managed to get about thirty-five days of work completed by the end of December, clearing out the dead and dying balsam fir across nearly three acres of the unhealthiest part of the property. As we worked there, we retained all existing spruce, birch, maples, and other healthy species). Approximately sixty percent of the mature trees in that area needed to be removed, and the canopy is now open enough that we will be able to show this off a demonstration forest in a few years.

We planted tens of thousands of trees to mitigate insect damage and hurricane damage in the Blomidon, Caribou, and Five Islands provincial parks. All of those were multi-phase projects that we will be completing in 2021 or 2022.

We planted about fifteen thousand trees in Victoria Park, a municipal park in Truro, Nova Scotia. This is also a multi-phase project, and we expect to plant at least forty thousand more trees there in 2021 and 2022.

We also planted a number of trees on our carbon plantations. These trees will capture and sequester carbon, which we expect will remain undisturbed for centuries to come.

You can visit the project pages of our various demonstration forests and parks projects if you'd like more information about the future plans for each of these projects.

All told, despite the challenges of Covid, 2020 was a very successful and rewarding year for the Replant.ca Environmental organization. We look forward to the future, and we're optimistic that we'll reach our a goal of planting more than 250,000 trees on our various project sites in 2021.

To wrap up, here's a gallery showing a few photos from our work in 2020!

Loading up trays of seedlings. Typically, each of these trays contains between 250 and 280 individual tree seedlings.

A senior forester, examining some red oak seedlings.

One of the fields that we planted in Five Islands Provincial Park.

Working at Blomidon Provincial Park.

One of our mixed loads of approximately twenty thousand seedlings from Scott & Stewart Forest Nursery.

Loaded up and ready to head out for an enjoyable day of tree planting.

Red spruce and eastern white pine seedlings, part of one of our deliveries from Strathlorne Forest Nursery.

Jonathan "Scooter" Clark, President and CFO, planting some trees.

A few trays of various deciduous (hardwood) seedlings.

Dee, one of our project managers, finishing up some surveying work on a park project.

Some healthy looking sugar maple seedlings.

A trailer full of black spruce trees, to be planted in a low moisture-receiving area on one of our carbon projects.

Showing off a selection of seedlings from one of our very mixed loads.

This was a beautiful day to be parked in Truro's Victoria Park, planting trees near some of the public recreational trail heads.

A few of the seedlings being planted in the Walker Road Managed Forest.

Learn about our plans for 2021 or help sponsor tree planting to improve our environment and public forests.

Sponsor Tree Planting